
My girlfriend was just saved from a potentially toxic work environment

So, my girlfriend got a job at a local clinic at the front desk as the person that checks patients in. She worked previously at a chiropractic clinic, so this job had a lot of similarities. So, yesterday around 10am I got a call from my girlfriend, which is weird because at her new job she can not use her phone during the work day. Sure enough, she was fired. Yesterday was day 11 at the new job. For the first 4 days, she had video trainings talking about sexual harrasment, introduction to her job field, and a brief look into what the job will have for her to do. I see it as she was 7 days into actually hands-on learning the job. She still had quite a lot of programs on the computer to learn. She was fired because “you're taking too long to check in patients.” She…

So, my girlfriend got a job at a local clinic at the front desk as the person that checks patients in. She worked previously at a chiropractic clinic, so this job had a lot of similarities. So, yesterday around 10am I got a call from my girlfriend, which is weird because at her new job she can not use her phone during the work day. Sure enough, she was fired. Yesterday was day 11 at the new job. For the first 4 days, she had video trainings talking about sexual harrasment, introduction to her job field, and a brief look into what the job will have for her to do. I see it as she was 7 days into actually hands-on learning the job. She still had quite a lot of programs on the computer to learn.

She was fired because “you're taking too long to check in patients.” She hasn't even learned all the steps to fully do everything. Plus, they have not come up to her and mentioned that she has been going “too slow” and needs to pick up the pace; otherwise, she would be let go. Literally the day before she is being praised by her boss about how wonderful it is to have her working there, then the next day fired 2 hours into working.

She was very upset, but I explained it to her as this. If they aren't going to give you proper warnings letting you know that you need to pick up the pace, plus they're not going to teach you everything first, plus they aren't going to work with you to see how they can help you improve to thier standards….. then screw them. I have worked quite a lot of jobs, and all of them, whether it was myself or another new hire, they all talked to the employee and said you need to fix A, B, and C otherwise we will have to let you go. Plus, she was only 7 days into actually being on the floor doing the job. How is anyone supposed to perfect the complicated medical system of “hand out this form and this form, use this menu to check them in if they have this, do this and that, plus bring these back to this nurse and instruct them on these key info points” within 7 days? This job was truly a toxic job if that's how they treat new hires.

Onward and upwards!!!

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