
My GM got fired for having basic empathy

I just need to rant about this situation I work at a local restaurant and have been for the past year. In the year I’ve been working here we have gone through a LOT of managers. Two months ago we got a new general manager named Amy (fake name) and she’s been amazing, no doubt the best manager this restaurant has ever had. She’s gone above and beyond to clean the store up, make everything in the back more organized, and most of all actually takes care of her employees. She always put our well being above everything else. She really took the time to get to know everyone and she always made sure everyone was completely comfortable while working. We ALL loved her A few days ago she got fired despite all the good she’s done for this place. Why did she get fired?? There was an ice storm…

I just need to rant about this situation

I work at a local restaurant and have been for the past year. In the year I’ve been working here we have gone through a LOT of managers. Two months ago we got a new general manager named Amy (fake name) and she’s been amazing, no doubt the best manager this restaurant has ever had. She’s gone above and beyond to clean the store up, make everything in the back more organized, and most of all actually takes care of her employees. She always put our well being above everything else. She really took the time to get to know everyone and she always made sure everyone was completely comfortable while working. We ALL loved her

A few days ago she got fired despite all the good she’s done for this place. Why did she get fired?? There was an ice storm (the roads were basically turning into skating rinks, it was bad), so Amy closed the store a hour early to help people get home earlier and make sure everyone got home safe. Hardly anyone was gonna come in anyways during that last hour. It was storming and late at night. But the owner found out and “didn’t tolerate” that behavior so immediately fired Amy. Zero hesitation. Amy just wanted to make sure we got home safe and she got fired for it.

I’m just so ANGRY. It really just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how hard you work. If you actually want to get anywhere, you need to stop caring about other people. I stood up for Amy and let the owner know what he did was wrong and he nearly fired me for saying that. The only thing stopping him was the fact that we are currently short staffed and I’m one of the only employees that actually puts effort into working.

HFJDJWJSJDJEJDJD it’s just so infuriating

EDIT: a lot of people are telling me to quit. My situation is unfortunately more complicated than that. This is the highest paying job I can get at the moment and I kinda need it to survive. However I am actively looking for a new job. I just don’t wanna put in my two weeks until I feel secure in the fact that I have another job

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