
My husband is an actuary and he works incredibly hard to do his extremely difficult exams. He get a pay rise with each exam he passes. Upon calculation, his pay rises are only what he would be getting if he got a pay rise inline with inflation if he didn’t complete any exams at all.

It makes me so mad. His exams are extremely stressful and time consuming. He doesn’t get any free time, literally. He finishes work, eats something and studies until it’s time to sleep every single day. I can tell it depresses him. Furthermore, his exams are such that it’s fairly normal to fail one or two however, failing is devastating nonetheless simply because of the sheer amount of effort and time that goes into it. It sucks that employees are treated like this. All that effort and it’s not showing up on paper. He might as well be back in his graduate role. He has to work so hard just to have the same purchasing power he had back when he was making £10k less.

It makes me so mad. His exams are extremely stressful and time consuming. He doesn’t get any free time, literally. He finishes work, eats something and studies until it’s time to sleep every single day. I can tell it depresses him. Furthermore, his exams are such that it’s fairly normal to fail one or two however, failing is devastating nonetheless simply because of the sheer amount of effort and time that goes into it.

It sucks that employees are treated like this. All that effort and it’s not showing up on paper. He might as well be back in his graduate role. He has to work so hard just to have the same purchasing power he had back when he was making £10k less.

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