
My job doesn’t excuse being sick.

As the title suggests, I have recently come to find out my job has an absolute 0 tolerance for absences of any kind that don’t involve covid(which i’ve heard they will be getting rid of soon as well). If you are to miss work for ANY reason, personal or sick, you are required to use a “personal” day of which we only get 3 a year. Yes. You did not misread that. You get 3, THREE, TRES, days of “personal time” a fucking YEAR. This is NOT optional if you want to be excused for the day. Meaning, once you use all 3 of those days, every absence that doesn’t involve covid or borderline death WILL count against you. NO EXCEPTIONS. Feel like utter dog shit? Got a stomach virus? Throwing up all over the place? Oof. Too bad. You can go home but you’ll have an unexcused absence in…

As the title suggests, I have recently come to find out my job has an absolute 0 tolerance for absences of any kind that don’t involve covid(which i’ve heard they will be getting rid of soon as well).
If you are to miss work for ANY reason, personal or sick, you are required to use a “personal” day of which we only get 3 a year. Yes. You did not misread that. You get 3, THREE, TRES, days of “personal time” a fucking YEAR.

This is NOT optional if you want to be excused for the day. Meaning, once you use all 3 of those days, every absence that doesn’t involve covid or borderline death WILL count against you. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Feel like utter dog shit? Got a stomach virus? Throwing up all over the place? Oof. Too bad. You can go home but you’ll have an unexcused absence in record, sowwy. Maybe just don’t be sick fuckhead? Maybe don’t be a human being who’s vulnerable to disease/illness?

Unfortunately, I found this out firsthand yesterday. I left work early because I caught the flu over the weekend and threw up in the restroom 1 hour into my shift and my boss texts me that I have 3 unexcused absences already because being sick can only be excused if I use personal time.

I am a forklift driver for a Daikin warehouse btw.

TL;DR: Job doesn’t excuse being sick without using 1 of our 3 days of “personal time” a year. Doctor’s note or not you will be penalized for it.

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