
My job got outsourced and I can’t stop smiling

So I work in a certain national medical company focusing on things like radiology and scanning patients. Recently, my workplace decided to outsource the entire IT department in order to cut costs. This happened a week after promising everyone substantial raises to “keep up with inflation”. The glee and joy I experienced when they saw the aftermath of their little stunt still gives me butterflies. So within the first 2 weeks the team of over 15 was down to 3 people: the other 2 already have interviews for other jobs – me? I already scored a new job. Now they are stuck with nobody having the knowledge or time for training the new company. The remaining employees checked out and barely do any work, favoring instead preparing for their new positions and burning vacation/sick time. The VP today held a meeting to complain about it where I gave my 2…

So I work in a certain national medical company focusing on things like radiology and scanning patients. Recently, my workplace decided to outsource the entire IT department in order to cut costs. This happened a week after promising everyone substantial raises to “keep up with inflation”. The glee and joy I experienced when they saw the aftermath of their little stunt still gives me butterflies.

So within the first 2 weeks the team of over 15 was down to 3 people: the other 2 already have interviews for other jobs – me? I already scored a new job.

Now they are stuck with nobody having the knowledge or time for training the new company. The remaining employees checked out and barely do any work, favoring instead preparing for their new positions and burning vacation/sick time. The VP today held a meeting to complain about it where I gave my 2 week notice and immediately submitted a 2 week time off request to burn my vacation time.

Best part is I got a job at the company we got outsourced to, servicing the company I just quit (but why would I share that with my FORMER employer). I am now going to be earning 40% more – and have less responsibility (and access) and than I did before.

I did feel bad for my new employer for a brief moment. I’m only planning on staying a few months to finish school and then dropping them. But then I remembered they’re also toxic so I got over it quickly.

In true capitalist spirit, I’m maximizing my income while minimizing my investment.

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