
My job has been very interesting lately.

Just a little rant I guess. I work at a popcorn factory and have for 2 years now. It was great when I started, and then a lot of the good higher ups started quitting. Now we are running at a fraction of the people we had, they keep firing people for no good reason and not replacing them, and they still expect the same numbers. I have been talking with one of my coworkers about everything recently and she has a lot more inside information due to personally knowing a lot of people tied to the company. She dropped the beautiful knowledge on me the other day that our HR guy did not quit to go back to his old job because they made it better for him like they told us, but instead because the stuff he was being told to do to the employees was very illegal.…

Just a little rant I guess. I work at a popcorn factory and have for 2 years now. It was great when I started, and then a lot of the good higher ups started quitting. Now we are running at a fraction of the people we had, they keep firing people for no good reason and not replacing them, and they still expect the same numbers.
I have been talking with one of my coworkers about everything recently and she has a lot more inside information due to personally knowing a lot of people tied to the company.
She dropped the beautiful knowledge on me the other day that our HR guy did not quit to go back to his old job because they made it better for him like they told us, but instead because the stuff he was being told to do to the employees was very illegal. She didn't tell me what he was told do to since I don't think he can say, but man does that sound about right.

This company also has a simple way to get paid more, cross train. Learn how to do more stuff, get more money. Cool. I asked my boss if I could finish my cross training last week since I am trying to get my first house and she told me that they couldn't afford to move me from where I was so no.

I really wish this city had any decent jobs because I would leave this place in a heartbeat. No other jobs that I can reach pay even close to what this job does ($15 an hour) and even now I can't afford to even rent an apartment.

Also sorry if this doesn't fit here, I looked at the rules and I think it fits, but I have been wrong many times before.

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