
My job is doing shady/illegal work practices to avoid paying me. Need help please. Long read.

So i've been at this job for 10 months. Been working my ass off like a slave for minimum wage despite being overqualified for the job. Accumulated up to 40 hours sick time and 2 days before christmas i got sick and the day of christmas a close friend died so i took off. Apparently it was a mandatory work day but what i had was highly contagious and embarrassing to say the least. Boss ends up getting mad and taking me off the schedule and basically firing me without any warning or explanation. had doctors notes and everything but apparently i had to get my father to talk to him to let me back. they switched payroll companies and with that process i ended up with 2 direct deposited checks which others in the job got as well but because now technically im “fired” i cant get direct deposit…

So i've been at this job for 10 months. Been working my ass off like a slave for minimum wage despite being overqualified for the job. Accumulated up to 40 hours sick time and 2 days before christmas i got sick and the day of christmas a close friend died so i took off. Apparently it was a mandatory work day but what i had was highly contagious and embarrassing to say the least. Boss ends up getting mad and taking me off the schedule and basically firing me without any warning or explanation. had doctors notes and everything but apparently i had to get my father to talk to him to let me back. they switched payroll companies and with that process i ended up with 2 direct deposited checks which others in the job got as well but because now technically im “fired” i cant get direct deposit and have to get paid by written checks from him directly. Back to my Doctor's notes i was out for a week but apparently i only could get 2 days pay and i had to provide the reason for my absence from work on the doctor's notes which violates HIPPA laws. is there anything i can do besides quit and get a new job/seek an attorney? because i still work for the company but now it's like im being disrespected and forced to work for nothing and not even take care of my essential needs my bills or save. also they won't send me my W2 despite everyone else getting theirs early. Any help will suffice. Sorry for the long read.

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