
My job is making it mandatory to work overtime for two months straight — how is this legal?

I am in week one of a “hopefully just an eight week” stint of mandatory overtime that has me working 12 hours a day, Monday through Friday, and another 10 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday. No one knows what is going to happen and leadership is trying really hard to pass the kool-aid around to make sure people know just how much they “care” while micromanaging us and forcing us to work every day. They were so gracious to let us know that “for now” our approved PTO will still be approved, but just like with everything else that probably will change. The only things that are keeping me from walking away is the fact that I have a planned two week vacation coming up and that I work 100% remotely, but knowing that my employer is making it mandatory to work without a day off for two…

I am in week one of a “hopefully just an eight week” stint of mandatory overtime that has me working 12 hours a day, Monday through Friday, and another 10 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday. No one knows what is going to happen and leadership is trying really hard to pass the kool-aid around to make sure people know just how much they “care” while micromanaging us and forcing us to work every day. They were so gracious to let us know that “for now” our approved PTO will still be approved, but just like with everything else that probably will change.

The only things that are keeping me from walking away is the fact that I have a planned two week vacation coming up and that I work 100% remotely, but knowing that my employer is making it mandatory to work without a day off for two months straight is just making me a miserable piece of shit.

One person has quit already. I am talking with other co-workers I trust and they share my feelings resentment for management. There is a mutiny brewing and the leadership smells it, which is why they graced us with the option to work voluntary OT on top of the mandatory OT and get a bonus $100 for every two hours extra you work on top of the mandatory 12.

We need a union.

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