
My job just set their fate by lying about raises again

My job is the largest contributor to the local community help programs. They do this by giving us the incentive of extra days off work if we donate a significant amount of our paycheck. This year at the yearly meeting, they told us that low level employees (pay rates 1-4) would be getting a 10% raise, mid level supervisors (pay rates 5-8) would be getting a 5% raise, and department heads (pay rates 9+) would be getting a 2% raise. This was all starting October. They said the reasons why they were doing this was because they understood that life has been hard lately so this is to not only take some of the strain off of us, but also to help make it a little easier to give the normal amount we give to the program. They also said it was an incentive to get people to come work…

My job is the largest contributor to the local community help programs. They do this by giving us the incentive of extra days off work if we donate a significant amount of our paycheck. This year at the yearly meeting, they told us that low level employees (pay rates 1-4) would be getting a 10% raise, mid level supervisors (pay rates 5-8) would be getting a 5% raise, and department heads (pay rates 9+) would be getting a 2% raise. This was all starting October. They said the reasons why they were doing this was because they understood that life has been hard lately so this is to not only take some of the strain off of us, but also to help make it a little easier to give the normal amount we give to the program. They also said it was an incentive to get people to come work for us because we're only at 60% capacity for jobs.

Whelp, everyone came in Monday morning and I found that i myself (pay grade 4) got a 5% raise, my trainer/supervisor got a 2% raise, and it's already coming down the grapevine that the department heads voted themselves ANOTHER 8%. I was already quitting, and i had some slight remorse because my department is already short staffed, but now i feel absolutely no remorse. Other coworkers including my supervisor have already told our department head we're looking for new jobs and we're not staying past the new year.

And this is all because of a lie. The lie was unnecessary. Just say Fuck me and call it a day.

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