
My job recently has given a raise…

Hello. I recently joined this subreddit because I love seeing all the words spit out from everyone and I really agree a lot on the thoughts and angers that happen with the terrible employers. I currently work for a federal + NAF organization on a military installation. I've been here for a year now and I am feeling a burnout faster than a wild fire. It's more recently where I've grown into insomnia/oversleep, but the more and more I work with my co-workers and poor management skills from the management team, I just want to quit and move out to live on my own somewhere. See… My wage was at $11.23, and I had one raise and it was only to $11.58. Hours and hours were racked but with the recent hirings not only my hours are cut back AND can't get them back because “I called in too much…

Hello. I recently joined this subreddit because I love seeing all the words spit out from everyone and I really agree a lot on the thoughts and angers that happen with the terrible employers.

I currently work for a federal + NAF organization on a military installation. I've been here for a year now and I am feeling a burnout faster than a wild fire.

It's more recently where I've grown into insomnia/oversleep, but the more and more I work with my co-workers and poor management skills from the management team, I just want to quit and move out to live on my own somewhere.

See… My wage was at $11.23, and I had one raise and it was only to $11.58. Hours and hours were racked but with the recent hirings not only my hours are cut back AND can't get them back because “I called in too much that it was almost like a pattern”.

Then, after all that, I had times and times where my own co-workers won't do any job. Sure I may slack off from time to time but I at least do menial tasks that means something to contribute. My co-workers, either I see them or don't, has been shown and proven that they do not do anything. We even had comments about how we don't do anything, but I just saw the comment and laughed at it because I know I am not the one.

Back on track with my job, I used to work 40 hours without any benefits or PTOs or health care. Then I started picking up even more hours to volunteer (but was paid for the hours) for city league style sports. Imagine I have to get in here at 4:30 in the morning, and the sports event doesn't start until 5, 6 in the afternoon. Two games, and each went for an hour, and doing the math, I get about 6-7 hours of sleep.

At first the wage increase didn't hit my head well. I said more money is awesome but now if everyone's on the same wage as me and I'm the only one working, that seems extremely unfair. People will abuse to get free money from this job, practically, while I work for mine.

I feel upset right now, now that I thought of it. I deserve a better job, but there won't be one because so many people are choosy beggars. It sucks…

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