
My job told me I am asking for to much

My colleague told me “your being a Karen” honestly if I am, than you can tell me and I will accept to change it. For sure, I will respect responsibility. So I been working 6 years at this company. I am unionized. We have this girl who has been working 2 years, she used to work 24 hours but they bumped her to 40 hours because she asked management for it. I was doing 24 hours, but they than gave me 32 because I demanded more hours after, as 24 is not enough to live on. I do a lot of management work for them, I do scheduling and I check if the team is doing there job by checking performance reviews (I am told do this by them) and I have to train new people as well all the time. Well I was working my shift and found out…

My colleague told me “your being a Karen” honestly if I am, than you can tell me and I will accept to change it. For sure, I will respect responsibility.

So I been working 6 years at this company. I am unionized. We have this girl who has been working 2 years, she used to work 24 hours but they bumped her to 40 hours because she asked management for it.

I was doing 24 hours, but they than gave me 32 because I demanded more hours after, as 24 is not enough to live on. I do a lot of management work for them, I do scheduling and I check if the team is doing there job by checking performance reviews (I am told do this by them) and I have to train new people as well all the time.

Well I was working my shift and found out that it was not needed anymore, so I asked if I can split it with the girl because I have seniority. I could of been an asshole and said I would like to do 40 hours but I only wanted 32 to be fair. So we both get 32 hours a week.

Well this is where things get ugly. They refuse and tell me no we like her and she is very helpful for us and honestly we prefer her to you. I was shocked and just sand blasted!

I have been doing management work as a regular employee because I wanted to help. I always came in on days that they needed me, they would always call my phone and I answer. After being told this I was just angered!

I said calmly but firmly than I will be going to my union because I have done so much for you people, and this is how I am treated. My supervisor gets mad at me and says you cannot do this to her! She doesn’t want to work less than 40 hours. And I am like so its fair I work 24 and she works 40 instead of 32 and 32 equally!?

He goes on to say how she is so liked. And she is so much better than me. He even said “yes you do work for us a lot but she works better than you” I said fine if this is the case than give her the management work! And he was like no she would not like that its not right to do that to her.

At the end I said I want my hours if you do not give them I am will call my union. And he said try and talk to her about it, maybe she will consider it for you.

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