
My job writes you up for filling out an injury form

A little background first so I can show why I'm shocked by this. So i started a new job recently due to losing my previous one for the reasons in my last post. Went to the interview for thos warehouse job [not amazon lol] (they do open interviews) they lady who interviewed me loved me. She was really engaging and answered all of my questions about the various postions they offered. I was looking for 3rd shift due to me being a night owl. Was looking at 8-4ish 5 days a week. But the main one I was looking at due to the description of the job was 5-1ish, second shift. Apparently they are picking about hiring for that position since its a “do it all” position. Which they do pay more for, base pay is like 2+ what most others get starting out. And personally i prefer doing various…

A little background first so I can show why I'm shocked by this.

So i started a new job recently due to losing my previous one for the reasons in my last post. Went to the interview for thos warehouse job [not amazon lol] (they do open interviews) they lady who interviewed me loved me. She was really engaging and answered all of my questions about the various postions they offered. I was looking for 3rd shift due to me being a night owl. Was looking at 8-4ish 5 days a week. But the main one I was looking at due to the description of the job was 5-1ish, second shift. Apparently they are picking about hiring for that position since its a “do it all” position. Which they do pay more for, base pay is like 2+ what most others get starting out. And personally i prefer doing various very different task or else I go brain dead from just moving boxes all day. She asked the department head citing good things about me (i emphasized on my previous work experience) and that id prefer 3rd shift. Apparently he said if id work 2nd they'd put me up a dollar starting out. Bet. I'm in. Was gonna do it for the base pay but I'll take it. Orientation they go over saftey and how important it is. And that if you get hurt, report it, no matter what. Cut? Report it. Something fell and your head hurts a bit? Report it. Died? Report it. Okay, cool. I mean an infected cut suck so workers comp would be nice for the meds and such. Benifets are amazing, just gotta get My 6 week probation out of the way. My first weeks saftey topic? Just that. Every “morning” theyd read off this thing saying to do that. Obviously I didnt run to my supervisor for every scratch i got, i would have been there 5 times before lunch. Well fast forward a few weeks to now. I slice my pinky decently with a shelf I was moving. I slap a band aid on after cleaning it, and finish up the little bit i was doing since I needed to find my supervisor soon anyway. Note this is a cut that at most needs Neosporin for like the first day since its a very dusty warehouse. Well I find my supervisor talk about what i need to and joke about how I got a band aid. He gets a “like really?” Look. “You know thats a lot of paper work right? And even after all of that I'll have to write you up” I ask him why he would have to “Because it means you weren't doing your job 'safely' and you can tell me on how to do it better etc etc” I mention how it was because I wasnt given the right tools for the job (actually any) and he says “You weren't supposed to do your job then”. Now, this isn't his fault, he ain't been a supervisor for even year yet. He said if I wanted to i could fill out the paperwork, if not he would forget I even said anything. I asked a few of my co workers about it and they said yeah , thats the system.

Ive worked a couple of corperate jobs before and they wouldn't give (at least a seperate) write up. You know, unless you were doing something clearly in the wrong. They would work with you at smaller businesses. Ive never in my life heard “Report every injury and get in trouble for it” is this normal?

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