
My lazy boss and co-worker will make me quit.

Hello fellow Antiworkers, I made some post before about problems in my work but I was still hoping I can just complain and get on with my life and push thru. Yesterday came the last straw. For some background I am a Manager in a store that sells various products. We are a part of a big chain that is one of the biggest in our country. I work 13 hours shifts and change my days with another manager (Jay). So If I am working he is off and vice versa. We also have a boss(Ron) that works Mondays – Fridays to whom we report to. Now to the story. Few weeks ago Jay called me on my day off just as he was closing shop. He told me that he made some simple mistake during the day and made it worse while he was trying to make it right.…

Hello fellow Antiworkers,

I made some post before about problems in my work but I was still hoping I can just complain and get on with my life and push thru. Yesterday came the last straw.

For some background I am a Manager in a store that sells various products. We are a part of a big chain that is one of the biggest in our country. I work 13 hours shifts and change my days with another manager (Jay). So If I am working he is off and vice versa. We also have a boss(Ron) that works Mondays – Fridays to whom we report to.

Now to the story. Few weeks ago Jay called me on my day off just as he was closing shop. He told me that he made some simple mistake during the day and made it worse while he was trying to make it right. And since he wanted to leave for the day, he asked me if I could please fix it for him the hext day. I agreed and told him to leave all the details for me at work so I could fix it properly. The next day I fixed it but it included me calling to the costumer and writing several emails across the firm. Setting new delivery dates and balancing the system due to the mess made in money that Jay recieved etc. I talked about it with Ron and he just laughed and said something among the lines of “yeah Jay did screw up badly and then made it even worse somehow ..” So the problem was fixed and everybody moved on.

Fast foward to few days ago. One of our other stores made a mistake and some angry costumer came to us instead. I was at work that day. I helped him order a different product and walked him thru the whole process of changing the old pruct for a new one and all the payments etc. He was very happy and left with everything he needed.

And now we come to yesterday. I came to work and there was a message from Jay in our note system that I need to take care of some email. I look it over and it is regarding that angry costumer. There was some data missing that I forgot to fill out in the new order. A small mistake that could be fixed right away. Even so easily that the person from our firm who wrote the email asked if the missing info was the one he found. The problem could have been fixed by simply saying “yes that is the missing info put it there sorry for your troubles bye”. But instead of that… Jay replied 6 HOURS LATER to that email saying..”sorry the person who was doing this order is off today and not aswering his phone. He will assist you tomorrow”. I checked my phone and did not find a simple message or missed call. I asked Ron what is going on and he told me that he does not know anything about it. Okay I texted Jay and asked nicely what happened and if he really called me since I did not have any missed calls. He said he did not do anything about it since Ron told him to leave it for me. I kinda froze for a second and asked him why he still waited for 6 hours to get to it since it was urgent and AGAIN why he did not call me. He replied that It was MY MISTAKE and Ron told him to write exacly that, about me not responding. So I went to Ron again and calmly asked what was going on. He spilled the tea and said that He wanted me to deal with it since it was my mistake and that Jay clearly did not understood what Ron said.

This is just one out of many things that happen here on daily basis. Basicly every mistatake or problem that appers, falls upon me. No matter who caused it or how urget it is. It can wait for me to get to work and fox it. I refuse to be the bitch here.

Sorry if it was long but I needed to vent. It makes me kinda angry that if they need something it waits for me to get it done and if I am on my free day and they could just call me and fix it, nope. They rather wait and make the problem bigger. Since the longer it takes, the bigger problem it becomes. The fixing of the problem took like five minutes at most. And I do not mind work. I even did not mind fixing the problem after Jay. But not like this. Not when they just wait for me a drag my name thru the dirt by saying I am not responding to the phone when I know that is not true.

TLDR Both my co-workers are lazy and leave all their work for me and refuse to work as a team.

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