
My manager and job suck

Apparently I got in trouble for filing a report against one of my coworkers because he threatened me by saying he was gonna bash in my skull into the wall and I reported it to my supervisor and my manager. Apparently they pulled me to the side saying you cannot file a report because it’s annoying(this isn’t the first time he’s threatened me) and said next time you fill out a report like this we’re gonna fire you so either man up or quit we don’t need the headache.

Apparently I got in trouble for filing a report against one of my coworkers because he threatened me by saying he was gonna bash in my skull into the wall and I reported it to my supervisor and my manager. Apparently they pulled me to the side saying you cannot file a report because it’s annoying(this isn’t the first time he’s threatened me) and said next time you fill out a report like this we’re gonna fire you so either man up or quit we don’t need the headache.

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