I'm so mad right now. My blood is absolutely boiling. I work in the state of Oregon. A while ago my coworker and I discussed pay and I found out I make more than him being a new hire while he makes a dollar less than me and he 2 dollars less than our other new hire. He brought up his pay in his evaluation and then he told me the manager got upset that he was discussing pay with coworkers and said it was very unprofessional to talk about. Then she called me and asked if I discussed pay with them. She gave me the same lecture about pay being private and how everyone's circumstances are different. She said because we discussed pay we may cause other coworkers to feel hurt and she said there was another situation awhile back where a coworker was also upset about their pay and she wants to avoid that whole situation, so she said she might get HR involved or have a meeting with our team. I'm extremely angry. What can I do about this? Pay is a legal right. What's ironic is that we had a whole meeting about pay transparency 2 months ago…