
My manager hasn’t even seemed to hear my requests.

When I applied for the job (minimum wage pizza place) I told her specifically I am part time. This is because I had issues working 40 hour weeks at my last job, and I wasted a period of my life having to deal with that. I also said I am applying for morning shift (I do online school specifically to work mornings.) Well guess what. I am working 8 hours a day, five days a week, all night shifts, and the days I do have off aren’t two days in a row, so I have no chance to ACTUALLY relax, and get away. For example, this week I have Tuesday and Sunday off. Now, for the SECOND time in a row, the manager claims to have not seen my requests for days off. The first time was like whatever, I need money and it’s not a big deal. This time,…

When I applied for the job (minimum wage pizza place) I told her specifically I am part time. This is because I had issues working 40 hour weeks at my last job, and I wasted a period of my life having to deal with that. I also said I am applying for morning shift (I do online school specifically to work mornings.) Well guess what. I am working 8 hours a day, five days a week, all night shifts, and the days I do have off aren’t two days in a row, so I have no chance to ACTUALLY relax, and get away. For example, this week I have Tuesday and Sunday off. Now, for the SECOND time in a row, the manager claims to have not seen my requests for days off. The first time was like whatever, I need money and it’s not a big deal. This time, sadly my grandma passed away, and I am traveling to go to her funeral. But of course, she claims she never saw it. So when she wasn’t there, I looked in the request box. And I was surprised to see my month old request for time off in there. Basically this whole post is to rant because I am a sissy and I have a hard time standing my ground for things like This.

TL;DR: Applied for part time morning shift, now working full time Night Shift. Manager also claims to have not seen my time off requests, even though they have been in there for a while.

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