
My Manager Keeps Backpedaling and Shifting the Goalposts

So I got into this company as a HR intern, and before I started working, I had a call with the HR assistant manager where he told me that if I performed well, they might even consider converting me into a permanent staff after one month. So I said okay. And on day one, my manager told me to learn the HR tasks (payroll, onboarding, offboarding, etc.) for several different countries as we're a multinational company. And on one occasion, when I was talking to the HR assistant manager, (I forgot the context, but) I brought up what he said previously about converting me after one month. He said he never said that and that one month is too short. And so I just assumed I misheard him. So I started with one country. While I was learning how to process the payroll, which is the most difficult task according…

So I got into this company as a HR intern, and before I started working, I had a call with the HR assistant manager where he told me that if I performed well, they might even consider converting me into a permanent staff after one month. So I said okay.

And on day one, my manager told me to learn the HR tasks (payroll, onboarding, offboarding, etc.) for several different countries as we're a multinational company. And on one occasion, when I was talking to the HR assistant manager, (I forgot the context, but) I brought up what he said previously about converting me after one month. He said he never said that and that one month is too short. And so I just assumed I misheard him.

So I started with one country. While I was learning how to process the payroll, which is the most difficult task according to them (my supervisor, manager, etc.), the HR assistant manager told me that if I can pull this off on my own the next month, he said he “can't see why I'm can't be converted into a permanent staff”. And so during my 1st month, I learned everything seriously. I even created a manual for the payroll process that no one has ever done previously.

And on the 2nd month, they let me process the payroll on my own. And not only did I pull it off, I even made an overhaul to the Excel file that we were using to smooth out the process. And both my supervisor and HR assistant manager told me that they were very impressed by what I've done. And so I happily waited for them to convert me.

The 2nd month has passed, but I haven't received a word from any of them. Entering the 3rd month, which is this month, still nothing. I started growing impatient. So today, I asked the HR assistant manager when will they convert me. He acted as if he forgot what he said previously and told me to refer to the HR manager. So I went to the HR manager and asked him, he then brought the HR assistant manager in to join the discussion and proceeded to tell me that after discussing with the HR assistant manager, he can't convert me because I haven't learn every country's HR tasks yet, and the HR assistant manager agreed.

I was baffled. I wanted to bring up what the HR assistant manager promised me previously but was too scared to do so, because I assumed he'd just say he never said that. So I asked if they could at least give me a temporary contract. They said they are not allowed to do so since I'm still under an internship, but I feel like they're saying that because they didn't want to, not because they're not allowed. There's no law in my country saying an intern can't be converted into a permanent staff during internship. And so I kept my cool and left the meeting.

Right now, I just feel like I got scammed over and over again. I honestly took this internship very seriously and tried to achieve beyond expectations on every task given. And I've received compliments from my supervisor, HR assistant manager and HR manager on multiple occasions which proves that I'm on the right track. But now I feel like everything I've done previously have gone to waste. What's the point of putting in the extra effort if all I ever did was chasing a carrot forever dangling in front of me?

Sure, I could just forget it and find a new job after my internship. But tbh it feels really awful when people keep breaking their promises again and again, especially when it's related to something important in your life. I want to get hired as soon as possible to support my family and pay off my student loan and hopefully someday, I can save enough money to further study.

I really don't get why people keep making false promises like these? Like why not just say that I'll only be converted if I've every country's HR tasks? At least I know the exact goal that I'll need to strive for. And now I don't even know if I can trust them or anyone in the company anymore…

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