
My Manager Showed Their True Colours

Gonna keep this short and “sweet” cause I haven't been able to sleep since they said this. Had a nice closed door meeting with my manager about an attitude problem I've been having. They're not wrong about my attitude but thats a problem everyone in my life has right about now and it's just leaked into work. I've been stressed out because my lease is about to end and they want up my rent 250$ which I cant afford. My moms been sick for the past 3 months so I'm trying to send money back to my family and support her, my bestfriend died, and I'm supposed to keep all that from “distracting me from work”? I didn't tell them all of that because they'd instantly just reply with “let's just keep it business related”. Anyways it was this one sentence they said that stuck with me, and it was…

Gonna keep this short and “sweet” cause I haven't been able to sleep since they said this. Had a nice closed door meeting with my manager about an attitude problem I've been having. They're not wrong about my attitude but thats a problem everyone in my life has right about now and it's just leaked into work. I've been stressed out because my lease is about to end and they want up my rent 250$ which I cant afford. My moms been sick for the past 3 months so I'm trying to send money back to my family and support her, my bestfriend died, and I'm supposed to keep all that from “distracting me from work”? I didn't tell them all of that because they'd instantly just reply with “let's just keep it business related”. Anyways it was this one sentence they said that stuck with me, and it was “I hired you at any time and I can fire you at anytime, you wouldn't be here without me”. She said that so calmly that it actually scared me. And everyone sees her as some sweet lady that can do no wrong, but just threatened to take my job from me right then and there.

I dont know, I just needed to get this shit off my chest so I can try to sleep. Goodnight

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