
My Managers fucking suck at their jobs

I was having issues with closing almost every single night at my job. the managers said they always had me close because they didnt have enough people trained to close and I was good at it. after they hired 15 new people i changed my availability so they couldn't schedule me for close anymore since I assumed they'd train new people. now what i can only assume is out of retaliation they schedule me for 8 hours a day every day I work, sometimes its back to back, but never enough to hit a full time position and never enough to get overtime. they say it's because I'm really good at my job and they need people who can do things as well as I can but they schedule me on top of three or four other people and then will send those people home because were over on payroll…

I was having issues with closing almost every single night at my job. the managers said they always had me close because they didnt have enough people trained to close and I was good at it. after they hired 15 new people i changed my availability so they couldn't schedule me for close anymore since I assumed they'd train new people. now what i can only assume is out of retaliation they schedule me for 8 hours a day every day I work, sometimes its back to back, but never enough to hit a full time position and never enough to get overtime. they say it's because I'm really good at my job and they need people who can do things as well as I can but they schedule me on top of three or four other people and then will send those people home because were over on payroll and strand me alone for up to 7 hours. now I'm going to have to change my availability again so I'm not overworked and this is either malice on their end or pure incomitance idk what's going on but no one else is treated this way. most of my co workers have to ask for more than 10 to 15 hours a week and would gladly work the hours I am. meanwhile I'm explicitly asking not to be scheduled as much as I am and they keep maximizing my hours to the point where I'm unable to do everything i need to because I'm tired and overworked.

for the record they also stopped giving me two days off in a row so I literally can't work on my other projects right now because of how they're scheduling me. they know that i see these other projects as a pathway to earn extra income and they know that by scheduling me like this i cant work on them as much. I'm also called into the office every day and have to fight about write ups over stupid shit that hasn't mattered for the past 6 months i've worked here.

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