
My maneger told me that I need to wear makeup to my supermarket job

F20 currently on my second week of working on the beauty department of a unnamed UK supermarket (1/10th of our stock is makeup the rest is SKINCARE AND BATH AND BODY PRODUCTS), today I got told by one of my managers that I need to wear a full face of makeup everyday at work… she said I need to wear foundation, bronzer, 2 different colours of eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick… AT LEAST, this is not in my contract or on the dress code. At the time I was in shock so I said OK and carried on working but now I'm home I cannot stop crying I do not want to get up a hour early every morning to use MY OWN MAKEUP ON MY FACE WHEN I DO NOT WANT TO BE WEARING IT AT WORK, I don't even like wearing.makeuo in general it makes me more self conscious…

F20 currently on my second week of working on the beauty department of a unnamed UK supermarket (1/10th of our stock is makeup the rest is SKINCARE AND BATH AND BODY PRODUCTS), today I got told by one of my managers that I need to wear a full face of makeup everyday at work… she said I need to wear foundation, bronzer, 2 different colours of eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick… AT LEAST, this is not in my contract or on the dress code. At the time I was in shock so I said OK and carried on working but now I'm home I cannot stop crying I do not want to get up a hour early every morning to use MY OWN MAKEUP ON MY FACE WHEN I DO NOT WANT TO BE WEARING IT AT WORK, I don't even like wearing.makeuo in general it makes me more self conscious and actually causes me anxiety, if I would have been told this before I accepted the job offer I'd have never wanted to work here. Its such a shame because I usually struggle enjoying work and this job has been amazing so far until this. I'm very upset and not sure what to do, I do not want to face the confrontation of telling said manager that I personally don't feel comfortable wearing makeup to work. Ontop of personal preference I suffer from acute dermatitis, makeup is not my friend it looks flakey on me and my dermatologist has told me to wear makeup minimally. Part of me whats to stand my ground the other part of me wants to quit (i cannot afford this lmao). Part of me thinks I am justifiably upset and the other part of me is trying to gaslight myself into thinking I'm being silly, I need people's opinions because I'm tired, stressed and upset I don't know what to do.

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