I have worked for a company since 2017. I left between 2019-2020 for a better opportunity but got laid off when covid hit. So I went back to my original company late 2020 and just got fired today over two years later. Why did this happen? I'll tell you!
In the beginning of 2022 we needed to fill a position in the small business (we only have three roles at this place). My coworker suggested his husband for the job. I told him I don't care as long as it doesn't cause problems at work. His husband starts at the company and it's the biggest mistake ever. Suddenly my coworker and I are having constant issues that we cannot resolve. He eventually admits to me that his husband thinks he (coworker) is interested in me, we both laugh and say that would never happen. In addition to him being gay, I'm definitely not interested. Whatever we get over it and life goes on.
Petty arguments continue and my coworker is randomly targeting me and my work performance. He gets really upset and says things aren't getting done fast enough. I need to do things in a certain order at work but customers are always getting orders the same day. Other companies in our area are normally 2 weeks out at least. I'm not seeing what he's saying about things not getting done fast. I let it go, whatever.
Now it's been a full year that coworkers' husband has worked with us and we did pretty good as a shop. I got a bonus and a raise but my performance review was questionable. I disagreed with most of my bosses complaints about me and presented him with proof that I was doing my job. Got suspicious of my coworkers intentions and pulled away from being extra friendly to them. Just kept things to the basics without being rude. Then my boss came to me with an improvement plan. I tried my best to follow the plan and took it to heart but still couldn't figure out how to get things done any faster and was slightly confused. Either way did everything else I was supposed to do.
Now three months later I just got fired for not improving and not getting things done with enough urgency at work. I've caught my coworkers complaining about me multiple times and I kind of knew this was coming but I'm disappointed regardless. I regret ever letting my coworker suggest his husband working at my job. I should've said no. He even admitted to me that his husband is very jealous and controlling. Basically my coworkers' husband was jealous of our good working relationship and sabotaged my job. My coworker was stuck in the place of choosing his marriage or coworker (me). The choice is obvious.
I'm disappointed, my boss has known me for 5 years and believed their drama over my honesty. I wasn't going to my boss with every complaint about them because I thought it was petty, while they've been spending months complaining about me. It put me at a disadvantage.
I'm sure this will be a blessing in disguise and I'll find a better job with much less drama but I'm still in shock.