
My mind is never not on work and I’m going crazy.

I'm 24 and work retail. It's extremely high pressure, high volume, high sales. We see over 1000 guests a day and I handle more cash every day than I make in a year. I average like one transaction every 2-3 minutes, 8 hrs a day. I get berated by customers constantly and no matter how fast we go or how much upselling we do management and corporate hate us still and it's never enough. I come home exhausted and can't do anything but crash on the bed and barely make dinner for myself. I'm also on our union negotiating committee trying to make this job less shitty for everyone, but that means on my “off days” I'm also in meetings being told why I don't deserve better. I come home mentally and physically exhausted every day, I can barely keep my house clean or myself fed on top of work,…

I'm 24 and work retail. It's extremely high pressure, high volume, high sales. We see over 1000 guests a day and I handle more cash every day than I make in a year. I average like one transaction every 2-3 minutes, 8 hrs a day. I get berated by customers constantly and no matter how fast we go or how much upselling we do management and corporate hate us still and it's never enough.

I come home exhausted and can't do anything but crash on the bed and barely make dinner for myself. I'm also on our union negotiating committee trying to make this job less shitty for everyone, but that means on my “off days” I'm also in meetings being told why I don't deserve better.

I come home mentally and physically exhausted every day, I can barely keep my house clean or myself fed on top of work, I fall asleep and DREAM about work, my days off I'm in meetings about work. I can't escape it.

I'm going actually crazy. I can't think about anything else, I have no emotional energy left, I'm cynical and frustrated constantly, I've lost all sense of time, I feel insane.

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