
My new boss says I’m whining a lot.

Let me vent a little and tell me if I’m really whining. I’m not from the USA and I work at school. When Covid broke, I found out I was pregnunt and we kept the baby. The law in my country is rather nice and I had a year and a half of paid maternity leave (not much money but OK) and I could apply for another year and a half of unpaid leave. I decided to come back to work when my daughter was a year and 8 months old. They didn’t ask me about the schedule, so I assumed it was regular 8-4 working day 5 days a week. Instead they put me for classes which start very late (at 1 p.m.) so I have to stay way later than everybody. They also told me as I have mornings without lessons I can do some extra work (finding…

Let me vent a little and tell me if I’m really whining.
I’m not from the USA and I work at school. When Covid broke, I found out I was pregnunt and we kept the baby.
The law in my country is rather nice and I had a year and a half of paid maternity leave (not much money but OK) and I could apply for another year and a half of unpaid leave. I decided to come back to work when my daughter was a year and 8 months old.
They didn’t ask me about the schedule, so I assumed it was regular 8-4 working day 5 days a week. Instead they put me for classes which start very late (at 1 p.m.) so I have to stay way later than everybody. They also told me as I have mornings without lessons I can do some extra work (finding and managing covers) and in ‘reward’ I’ll have Mondays off.
But here is the catch… it’s not worth it. Like at all. I spend every day from 1 to 4 hour managin those covers and I have to work late on Sundays and early in the Morning (as some teachers can get sick unexpectedly).
So I work way more than if I did having regular classes instead of this ‘favour’.
Also, one of our teachers left our school almost two months ago. So we had to cover for her for two months and also keep all the documentations instead of her done: all the works must be checked, all the lessons should have information downloaded on a special programme. It took up to 1 hour every day just to fill in the documentation (as I was doing the covers and new everything).
As I told you, I’m not from thw USA. The point is, I’m from Russia. It has always been not great here but before Ferbruary it was at least bearable. Our plan was to collect some money and move somewhere in a year.
September came, and they forced mobilisation. My husband had to hide at a friend’s place. I’m not sure if you know, but since September they’ve been catching men and forcing them to go to war. Some volunteered because they believed TV, but they were sent to the furst lines without food, clothes, gear or simple training. It’s disgusting what our coutry has done to the world and it’s unbelievable what they do to their own people.
So my husband left the country in October and we decided he won’t be coming back. I’m now technically a single mom to a toddler who works full time and we need to orepare to move. I’ve been preparing documents and selling our belongings while calming my baby who suddenly lost a father. She’s always had troubles with her sleep but is became much worse since my husband left as he was the one putting her to sleep.
So we finally had a new teacher who’d work for the one who left.
I’m taken to the office and I could sense I’d gonna be told off.
It’s even better. They told me my perfomance was worse than expected and if it goes on like this they’ll have to let me go.
I couldn’t believe my ears. When I tried to tell her I had just too many responsibilities sh told me to stop WHINING and did’t let to finish a single sentence.
Well… am I?

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