
My new employer talked up my hobby enthusiastically in the new hire introduction…I haven’t had time to do that hobby since I started the 40 hour workweek again at this job.

Recently I moved states with my partner and was unemployed for about 3 months while I looked for work after the move. My previous position was remote, so I had time to develop a hobby of insect taxidermy. Sometimes I'd do skulls too, but mostly just insects. It was really fun, and I made small amount of cash on the side from selling on Etsy or to friends and family. Nothing to live off of by any stretch, but some welcome extra change. When I became unemployed I got some unemployment benefits and luckily had a bit of savings to go off of. It was tight but we made it work while I applied for and interviewed around. I obviously had a lot of extra time on my hands during this period and engaged more in my taxidermy hobby. I got really good at it and was making a decent…

Recently I moved states with my partner and was unemployed for about 3 months while I looked for work after the move. My previous position was remote, so I had time to develop a hobby of insect taxidermy. Sometimes I'd do skulls too, but mostly just insects. It was really fun, and I made small amount of cash on the side from selling on Etsy or to friends and family. Nothing to live off of by any stretch, but some welcome extra change. When I became unemployed I got some unemployment benefits and luckily had a bit of savings to go off of. It was tight but we made it work while I applied for and interviewed around. I obviously had a lot of extra time on my hands during this period and engaged more in my taxidermy hobby. I got really good at it and was making a decent amount of sales on Etsy and gained a modest following on Instagram. It was so fulfilling to explore this art form and practice it. I truly was “funemployed”.

I got an offer for a position in my new city and took it. It pays well and I need the money, not to mention the health insurance (USA). It's a fully on site position, though. By the time I get home from work I'm either too tired or too busy with errands and chores to have time to work on my hobby. I haven't done it since I started here months ago.

I don't remember how it came up but on one of the first few days I mentioned my hobby. It was probably an ice breaker or something. Cut to a few months later at the first all hands meeting I attend at this company. I'm introduced as a new hire and upper management enthusiastically talks about how I have such a cool hobby outside of work.

It made me so depressed. I haven't done anything with my hobby since I started because I'm here, in office, 40 hours a week. I don't have the time or energy anymore. All my art supplies have sat unused this whole time.

This shouldn't be the way. It makes me so, so sad. I'm looking for a remote position again but I do truly need the cash and health insurance from this place in the interim. Just wanted to add my story to the pile of other similar ones on this sub. We need reform. Humans aren't meant to work like this.

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