
My niece new job opportunity

She got a new job offer (within the same corporation affiliates). She will be making bit more than double of what she’s making. But they are asking her to be available everyday including weekends . She’s already making more in a year than what my sister (her mom) made in all her life. She told me she’s not taking the job because she doesn’t want to work more than 35 hours a week. I am so proud of her!!!

She got a new job offer (within the same corporation affiliates). She will be making bit more than double of what she’s making. But they are asking her to be available everyday including weekends . She’s already making more in a year than what my sister (her mom) made in all her life. She told me she’s not taking the job because she doesn’t want to work more than 35 hours a week. I am so proud of her!!!

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