
My partner was set up for failure, was promised it wouldn’t happen again, was set up to fail tomorrow.

My partner (K) is was the Merchandising Manager for a retail chain store that sells random stuff for Below a certain price point. They're supposed to have 12 employees, including four managers. They have 5 (three managers plus two part timers). This morning, she showed up at the store, and there weren't any other employees to open (rules say they're supposed to have two). So, after calling the store manager (didn't answer) and the district manager (didn't answer), K started working her freight with the doors locked. Working freight is her job. It's not a customer facing position. When the District Manager found out the store wasn't open at 11:30, he flipped out and started calling other stores. Surprise, no one had staff to help because EVERYONE is on a skeleton crew. The store manager still wasn't responding. So… K broke down and left. She could either run registers, work…

My partner (K) is was the Merchandising Manager for a retail chain store that sells random stuff for Below a certain price point. They're supposed to have 12 employees, including four managers. They have 5 (three managers plus two part timers). This morning, she showed up at the store, and there weren't any other employees to open (rules say they're supposed to have two). So, after calling the store manager (didn't answer) and the district manager (didn't answer), K started working her freight with the doors locked. Working freight is her job. It's not a customer facing position. When the District Manager found out the store wasn't open at 11:30, he flipped out and started calling other stores. Surprise, no one had staff to help because EVERYONE is on a skeleton crew. The store manager still wasn't responding.

So… K broke down and left. She could either run registers, work the floor, or work stock; not all three. And if she ignored freight, she'd get behind and not be able to receive the next delivery (not have room for it). It was a lose-lose position. He demanded K open the store and assured her he would have been there had he known. They'd also work to make sure it didn't happen again.

Well, the part timer for tomorrow's shift called in today, and she was told she would have to work open to close alone tomorrow. Instead of putting his money where his mouth is, the DM wished her luck. The store manager said she was leaving town, so her phone would be off. Instead of going through another breakdown tomorrow, K drove up and dropped off her keys.

When she let everyone know she wouldn't be in and was leaving, she got a text. “Ok”.

They just absolutely don't give a damn, and it's amazing how poorly it's run. Please tell me there's somewhere that's run better.

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