
My peers apparently can’t document.

I work in a transitional living home. We have people coming out of incarceration who are looking for jobs and housing, and we offer various services and a place to stay with your own bedroom, mostly shared bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Since we work closely with the department of corrections, we are required to document everything that happens in the house. Did I talk to D about horror movies? Document it in his file. Does S have childhood trauma that we discussed? Document it. Did T go to church? Document. If we don’t document it, it didn’t happen. The rules are Simple. Yet every week we have a two hour meeting and inevitably, we spend half of it talking about how to document properly. It sucks. We all read the shift log and guest files. At least we are supposed to. So we know who is writing 3 paragraphs a day…

I work in a transitional living home. We have people coming out of incarceration who are looking for jobs and housing, and we offer various services and a place to stay with your own bedroom, mostly shared bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

Since we work closely with the department of corrections, we are required to document everything that happens in the house. Did I talk to D about horror movies? Document it in his file. Does S have childhood trauma that we discussed? Document it. Did T go to church? Document. If we don’t document it, it didn’t happen.

The rules are Simple. Yet every week we have a two hour meeting and inevitably, we spend half of it talking about how to document properly. It sucks. We all read the shift log and guest files. At least we are supposed to. So we know who is writing 3 paragraphs a day and who writes jack shit. I wish they’d just talk to the people who aren’t doing the work, and leave the rest of us out of it.

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