
My plan to escape working

Hello just want to share this and get any feedback or tips. I know this will not apply to a lot of people but still maybe it will give some inspiration to some. For past 6 years I worked in investment banking and asset management. The work itself was kind of fun, kind of tedious but I had one goal and it kept me motivated: Retire before 30. In those years through work and stock market trading I accumulated 7-digit asset portfolio and will be leaving my job next month for good. Half of my portfolio is invested in dividend stocks so I would get a constant income to live off. Others are aggressive stock so the value would growth throughout my lifetime. I plan to receive 52k gross income through dividends give or take a year. It sure is very low compared to what I was earning and there…

Hello just want to share this and get any feedback or tips.

I know this will not apply to a lot of people but still maybe it will give some inspiration to some.

For past 6 years I worked in investment banking and asset management. The work itself was kind of fun, kind of tedious but I had one goal and it kept me motivated: Retire before 30. In those years through work and stock market trading I accumulated 7-digit asset portfolio and will be leaving my job next month for good. Half of my portfolio is invested in dividend stocks so I would get a constant income to live off. Others are aggressive stock so the value would growth throughout my lifetime.

I plan to receive 52k gross income through dividends give or take a year. It sure is very low compared to what I was earning and there is not a realistic way to keep on living in New York. That’s why I plan to travel the world for a year. I plan to visit Europe a lot, but I plan to find a nice place to settle down somewhere in Asia or South America where living is cheap, buy an apartment and just simply live there. In the meanwhile, I’ll like my investment portfolio compound.

If I stay in cheap country living of my dividend yield in 10 years based on past market performance, my portfolio could double and if I move purely to dividend stocks, I could be earning 200k from dividends alone (comparable to 176k now adj. for inflation). This amount would be sufficient for me to come back to USA and live modestly in New York where my parents live. So, to summarise the plan, I just need to stay in cheap country but live quite freely until I have enough capital to come back and do the same in USA and all this while I am not obligated to work if I don’t want to. If anyone had a similar thing done or got any tips or questions, I would be happy to have a discussion

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