
My “raise” was 65 cents. …

I work for a large medical insurance company one of the top 3 in the country. I busted my ass processing thousands of claims while also doing advising on the plans and investigations. They decided for my hard work all year warranted .65 cents raise.. I have to deal with metrics, constant “audits” that are graded always got 100%'s in all areas, promoter score , customer surveys and learning complicated plans that might as well be their own category that requires specialized training for some pretty big clients with only an hour of a “class” to go over it and boom you are ready to take care of those policy holders. 65 cents, that's all I'm worth to them. Working when I was sick as a dog (I have had cancer twice and an auto-immune disease) and they have the nerve tot show me this insult of a raise and…

I work for a large medical insurance company one of the top 3 in the country. I busted my ass processing thousands of claims while also doing advising on the plans and investigations.

They decided for my hard work all year warranted .65 cents raise.. I have to deal with metrics, constant “audits” that are graded always got 100%'s in all areas, promoter score , customer surveys and learning complicated plans that might as well be their own category that requires specialized training for some pretty big clients with only an hour of a “class” to go over it and boom you are ready to take care of those policy holders.

65 cents, that's all I'm worth to them. Working when I was sick as a dog (I have had cancer twice and an auto-immune disease) and they have the nerve tot show me this insult of a raise and tell me not to tell anyone cause some people didn't get one…

Ever since the meeting last week I took off on FMLA because the stress is killing me and I could not face another day knowing how much disrespect I was shown. Oh! And to add insult to injury, I was recently promoted, have worked in this new role for over a month and they still haven't increased my pay grade, I was told “we do pay grade raises in batches so it will be done soonish” and no, they will not retroact my pay to make up the difference when I wasn't getting my pay grade raise even though I have been in the position over a month.

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