
My small business was overcharged $15,804 by FedEx

For the last year and a half my small business here in the US, (which is the primary source of financial support for my art and family) designed and built a custom recording console for a customer in Switzerland. The console was built with hundreds of high quality vintage parts, new custom woodwork, and custom metalwork from other small businesses here in the USA. From start to finish the project took almost 18 months, which involved several months of design and many months of wiring and assembly by myself and my partner. Everything in this project was made by hand and crafted with care so that the console would last a lifetime and not end up in a landfill like so many new products. Once the console was ready for shipping I received a quote from Fedex for $1,941.71 using the MyQuote system. The quote was based on accurate weights…

For the last year and a half my small business here in the US, (which is the primary source of financial support for my art and family) designed and built a custom recording console for a customer in Switzerland. The console was built with hundreds of high quality vintage parts, new custom woodwork, and custom metalwork from other small businesses here in the USA. From start to finish the project took almost 18 months, which involved several months of design and many months of wiring and assembly by myself and my partner. Everything in this project was made by hand and crafted with care so that the console would last a lifetime and not end up in a landfill like so many new products.

Once the console was ready for shipping I received a quote from Fedex for $1,941.71 using the MyQuote system. The quote was based on accurate weights and dimensions. Once the shipment was delivered my credit card was charged $17,746.51(!). I have reached out to FedEx over 30 times since this erroneous charge was placed on my credit card, and tried to file a chargeback with my credit card company to no avail. I am left with a $15,804 charge on my credit card which is causing stress and is a significant financial hardship.

I am asking for your help to bring visibility to this issue, with the hope it will force FedEx to correct their mistake. Posted on my instagram are photos of the recording console project, and screenshots of the FedEx MyQuote and invoice. Thank you for your time and support.

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