
My SO might be joining the “other side”.

I might be getting paranoid but I hope y'all will understand… I became “antiwork” after seeing my father spend his whole life working over 60 hours a week in a high corporate job and slowly losing family, friends and anything that matters due to being focused exclusively on getting promoted. I tought my SO understood my stance on the matter, and they've said to be “antiwork” as well several times, but since they got a desk job their behaviour has been… worrying. They've started obeying every request from their boss, from having to drive hours away on minimal notice, to giving up days of remote work in order to be present for important meetings. Today they just announced to me that we wouldn't make it to the gym like we planned since they have to work half an hour past their usual time. This is their first “important job” after…

I might be getting paranoid but I hope y'all will understand…
I became “antiwork” after seeing my father spend his whole life working over 60 hours a week in a high corporate job and slowly losing family, friends and anything that matters due to being focused exclusively on getting promoted.

I tought my SO understood my stance on the matter, and they've said to be “antiwork” as well several times, but since they got a desk job their behaviour has been… worrying.
They've started obeying every request from their boss, from having to drive hours away on minimal notice, to giving up days of remote work in order to be present for important meetings. Today they just announced to me that we wouldn't make it to the gym like we planned since they have to work half an hour past their usual time.

This is their first “important job” after finishing college and I understand that might be a factor, but should I be worried? I have no intention of spending my life with someone that agrees to have their time stolen by millionaires, but we've been living together for more than 2 years now, so ending this isn't an easy choice either…

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