
My SO was the victim of a grab and run and a jewelry store they work at

My SO was involved in a grab and run at her corporate jewelry job. I don't have the full context of the situation just yet, but the item lost was apparently over $15k and they're going to launch an investigation. They're usually very good about following all the protocols and procedures, but I get the feeling they're going to try to pin it on them as liable for losses in some way. I told them not to go around signing things. What should we expect from this? Are there any precautions we can take?

My SO was involved in a grab and run at her corporate jewelry job. I don't have the full context of the situation just yet, but the item lost was apparently over $15k and they're going to launch an investigation. They're usually very good about following all the protocols and procedures, but I get the feeling they're going to try to pin it on them as liable for losses in some way. I told them not to go around signing things. What should we expect from this? Are there any precautions we can take?

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