
My story of fucked up management.

To preface, I like my job. A lot. When I got this job, I didn't know shit about the automotive industry. I took my $10 an hour and busted my ass. My first week I got in at 8 am and left at 6pm. 5 days a week. Good check. Over the course of the next few months, we hired new people, and lost others. I learned almost every operation in that store, despite just being a commercial parts delivery driver. I could open, close out registers, scan inventory, run the whole ass commercial operation by my self on days that commercial manager was off. I'd average around 40 hours a week, then we'd hire our first real problem. Joe. Joe was 60 years old and was hired on as a driver, but couldn't lift much. Rotors, diesel batteries, etc were all 50 lbs. Truck day he would dip outside…

To preface, I like my job. A lot. When I got this job, I didn't know shit about the automotive industry. I took my $10 an hour and busted my ass. My first week I got in at 8 am and left at 6pm. 5 days a week.

Good check. Over the course of the next few months, we hired new people, and lost others. I learned almost every operation in that store, despite just being a commercial parts delivery driver. I could open, close out registers, scan inventory, run the whole ass commercial operation by my self on days that commercial manager was off.

I'd average around 40 hours a week, then we'd hire our first real problem. Joe. Joe was 60 years old and was hired on as a driver, but couldn't lift much. Rotors, diesel batteries, etc were all 50 lbs. Truck day he would dip outside and talk to customers all day and I'd be stuck putting up truck, running deliveries, and just bouncing around. Joe eventually transferred to front counter. Joe was also hired in at 11/hr. I did all the work and they hired him to dip out of his responsibility.

Cut to joe2, J2 got hired on at 11 as well, with no experience. J2 would hide out in the back and watch Netflix when he didn't run deliveries. Truck day he also didn't do it.

I was praised to the district manager as being on track for greatness, and all I wanted was FT for the benefits. The raise didn't bother me.

Feb 2022, we hire Jane. Jane decides that she has prior management experience and wants to be a full fledged manager and eventually a store owner.

She's never on time, does her job lazy, and most of the time she doesn't work, she bosses the hourly retail around to do the work so she can facetime her boyfriend. As of this message, she still doesn't know how to do her basic functions of a team member because she's so lazy and deligates. She can't operate the store catalog, doesnt know what most parts are that people ask about, and worst of all she can't even pick parts for online orders since she doesn't know where anything is. 8 months of a useless turd. What's her pay? 12/hr.

September and October are our busiest months. Car shows and shit. I'm the only driver. The gm pulls me aside and says if I can work 45-60 hours, for the next month, I'll get bumped to full time and a raise. I deserve it for all my hard work.

Here it is, the end of October and there's a blackout until January for promotions and raises. They also hire a new driver for 10.75 with a guarantee of a $1/hr raise in 90 days.

All I got for that 2 months of 120 hours of being the only driver was a certificate of appreciation on the company fucking website. I asked the gm about it, on why he decided to lie. He said give him a minute to finish what he's doing and we'll talk.

The fucker went home for the day 2 minutes later. I hope every corporation dies.

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