
My supervisor told my boyfriend I wasn’t being rehired and moved on like it was nothing

My boyfriend and I both work at a job together that is seasonal, and one of our supervisors told my boyfriend out of the blue, totally randomly, totally without prompt or anything that I wasn’t being brought back next season. Fine, thats their choice, but here is where it gets me; How is it okay to tell someone’s partner that their loved one is going to be crushed, and then just move on? My boyfriend didn’t want to tell me but I eventually found out after he desperately tried to convince me it wasn’t worth going back next season so that I wouldn’t be shattered or find out they don’t want me back. I loved that job, and loved the people, and poured my heart and soul into the job to the point where I’d be easily burnt out and exhausted. I sobbed for hours finding out I wasn’t coming…

My boyfriend and I both work at a job together that is seasonal, and one of our supervisors told my boyfriend out of the blue, totally randomly, totally without prompt or anything that I wasn’t being brought back next season. Fine, thats their choice, but here is where it gets me;

How is it okay to tell someone’s partner that their loved one is going to be crushed, and then just move on? My boyfriend didn’t want to tell me but I eventually found out after he desperately tried to convince me it wasn’t worth going back next season so that I wouldn’t be shattered or find out they don’t want me back. I loved that job, and loved the people, and poured my heart and soul into the job to the point where I’d be easily burnt out and exhausted. I sobbed for hours finding out I wasn’t coming back and it ruined my whole night.

The worst part? My boyfriend was told 3 weeks before the season was ending, and I found out with the last week of work. So not only did this affect my boyfriend at work, but it affected us outside of the workplace too. I constantly spoke about how much I loved the job and the people and the environment and everything all while my boyfriend had to sit and listen knowing that I would be heartbroken either now or later. I couldn’t imagine what stress he went through from that. That job was my favourite, and it really made me happy. Obviously, now I don’t want to go back knowing that they don’t want me there either, but I still have shifts. Not rehiring me was completely out of the blue and I had no idea it was coming. Never once was my performance criticized, never once was I told I was doing something wrong, but I would entirely have changed if it was brought to my attention!

Anyways, thats my rant. I’m really feeling the Antiwork. Especially because my boyfriend and I are 20, so the power difference and knowledge that my supervisor had to tell my boyfriend that is insanely unprofessional and I’m absolutely blown away that it would’ve even been brought up to him. Life moves on, but I feel stained from this.

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