
My supervisor wouldn’t let me recycle a battery or move a box.

I’ve been at my job for about six months and I hate it. I’ve never left a job so quickly but I’m seriously considering it with this one. It’s becoming apparent that my employer is corporate masquerading as Coolsville. Now my supervisor is head first in the corporate aspect. In addition, she’s also a “I’m always right” kind of person, and even when she’s wrong she finds a way to be right. She’s also an attention seeker and a control freak. The kind of person that says the manager who oversees all of us is my boss and not her boss. The kind of person that will say something loudly and then say “oh you heard that?” when someone acknowledges her about the thing she said loudly. So she walks by me asking if you can throw away batteries. To anyone who doesn’t know, you can’t—it’s awful for the environment.…

I’ve been at my job for about six months and I hate it. I’ve never left a job so quickly but I’m seriously considering it with this one. It’s becoming apparent that my employer is corporate masquerading as Coolsville. Now my supervisor is head first in the corporate aspect. In addition, she’s also a “I’m always right” kind of person, and even when she’s wrong she finds a way to be right. She’s also an attention seeker and a control freak. The kind of person that says the manager who oversees all of us is my boss and not her boss. The kind of person that will say something loudly and then say “oh you heard that?” when someone acknowledges her about the thing she said loudly. So she walks by me asking if you can throw away batteries. To anyone who doesn’t know, you can’t—it’s awful for the environment. I tell her about a place down the street that recycles them for free and that I wouldn’t mind taking it down there on my next trip. She puts the battery in her drawer and says “no that’s okay.” I tell her I really don’t mind.” And she says “no it’s fine, I wouldn’t want something to happen to it.” So naturally I question that response with “what do you think is going to happen to it?” She ignores my question and walks away from me like I suddenly don’t exist. I get not wanting to put yourself in a situation that could involve HR (borrowing money, favors, etc.) but it’s a fucking AA battery. A few weeks later we’re preparing for an audit. In the back of the room there’s this box: it’s lightweight, its open for the world to see what’s in it, it’s literally just sitting there. I offer to move it, go to pick it up and she frantically reacts like I’m about to snip the wrong wire on a bomb. “No I’ll do it. It’s fine.” So ten minutes later she’s pushing this stupid box across the carpet to the storage closet hunched over and complains about her back hurting??? It’s asinine. I hope she has fun with her shitty back—she’s on her own from now on. Why alienate your coworkers because you’re one pay grade ahead of them when you could act like, I dunno, a person instead??

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