
My theory on unions

I think more people would support them, if unions didn’t go so far as defending egregious behavior and make it impossible for companies to terminate really bad employees. I know of instances where an employee literally stole a company car, and another where an employee falsified client records. Among many other horrible behaviors. Their union defended them. Unions are great in many ways, but when they cover for horrible behavior, that turns off most reasonable people. I think that if unions stuck to fighting for wages and benefits and against genuine employee mistreatment, they’d be more popular. Making it nearly impossible for employers to terminate absolutely awful people, makes unions a lot less popular than they otherwise would be. I’d love to hear thoughts on this theory.

I think more people would support them, if unions didn’t go so far as defending egregious behavior and make it impossible for companies to terminate really bad employees.

I know of instances where an employee literally stole a company car, and another where an employee falsified client records. Among many other horrible behaviors. Their union defended them.

Unions are great in many ways, but when they cover for horrible behavior, that turns off most reasonable people.

I think that if unions stuck to fighting for wages and benefits and against genuine employee mistreatment, they’d be more popular. Making it nearly impossible for employers to terminate absolutely awful people, makes unions a lot less popular than they otherwise would be.

I’d love to hear thoughts on this theory.

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