
My thoughts on the future

Ok so this doesn’t directly relate to work, but it does sometimes. I don’t want to live in a future where people go on strike for the right to be able to afford the ability to live, medical bills, and a world of pollution. I get everyone it switching to EVs and green energy, but I think it’s too late. We have less that 30 years and climate change is irreversible (from what I have read), and unless we wall-e our way into space, why even try?

Ok so this doesn’t directly relate to work, but it does sometimes. I don’t want to live in a future where people go on strike for the right to be able to afford the ability to live, medical bills, and a world of pollution. I get everyone it switching to EVs and green energy, but I think it’s too late. We have less that 30 years and climate change is irreversible (from what I have read), and unless we wall-e our way into space, why even try?

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