
my time is just as valuable as someone with kids

I'm so tired of when my coworkers are on call you just mention a kid and don't worry about it its not an emergency but when I'm on call fuck I better be awake at 230 am to answer the non emergency running toilet call. I need free time just as much as a parent. I need time to myself and to catch up on chores just like anyone else maybe even more so since I don't have a wife or kids to do anything. Here lately I just make up shit about having a kid because customers won't respect that after having no free time i decided I'd make a trip 20 mins to a bigger town to take myself out to dinner and maybe an afternoon beer while listening to music. I'm not paid extra to answer these phones only if I go out so fuck em. Sorry…

I'm so tired of when my coworkers are on call you just mention a kid and don't worry about it its not an emergency but when I'm on call fuck I better be awake at 230 am to answer the non emergency running toilet call. I need free time just as much as a parent. I need time to myself and to catch up on chores just like anyone else maybe even more so since I don't have a wife or kids to do anything. Here lately I just make up shit about having a kid because customers won't respect that after having no free time i decided I'd make a trip 20 mins to a bigger town to take myself out to dinner and maybe an afternoon beer while listening to music. I'm not paid extra to answer these phones only if I go out so fuck em. Sorry I value my time

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