
My work does not give valid checks

I work at a smoothie shop. It’s a small business owned by a guy who owns two other restaurants. On average there’s about 10 customers on the week days and 20 on weekends, so it’s really making no profit. I’ve been working here for about 5 months and every week my paycheck bounces. I then have to take the initiative and text the woman who does payroll (wife of the owner) and ask to get the money through PayPal. The message usually goes unread for about three days and then I either get no apology or a half assed one. I’ve also gotten a check with $300 missing from the total and checks without a signature on them.A woman I work with even got told off by payroll for saving three checks and then depositing them all at once. Payroll claimed that this is the reason peoples checks bounce. Another…

I work at a smoothie shop. It’s a small business owned by a guy who owns two other restaurants. On average there’s about 10 customers on the week days and 20 on weekends, so it’s really making no profit. I’ve been working here for about 5 months and every week my paycheck bounces. I then have to take the initiative and text the woman who does payroll (wife of the owner) and ask to get the money through PayPal. The message usually goes unread for about three days and then I either get no apology or a half assed one. I’ve also gotten a check with $300 missing from the total and checks without a signature on them.A woman I work with even got told off by payroll for saving three checks and then depositing them all at once. Payroll claimed that this is the reason peoples checks bounce. Another of my coworkers got her bank account closed because she cashed in too many bounced checks. The owner is now changing the schedule to only have one person working at a time. This is apparently so that we can make profit during the winter…It’s absolutely wild to have one person opening and one person closing. This plan is really just because they can’t (or don’t want to) pay more than one person an hour. I was really excited to work for a small family owned business that’s so close to where I live. But now I am completely discouraged. This is my first job so I don’t really have anything to compare it to and am not sure how serious of a matter this is. Is this something worth quitting over? Is this something to take legal action to? Am I just being over dramatic? Any opinions or advice would help.

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