
My work is cracking down on uniforms

So for a long time at my work stickers on our name tags and pins on our hats were seen as okay as long as they were not inappropriate, fair enough. But now head office says we need to remove all of that because they want us to look more “professional”. I already feel I have to strip so much of my identity for work and now I can't even have the slightest feeling of individuality. If we're doing our jobs why should it matter if we have a few things to express ourselves

So for a long time at my work stickers on our name tags and pins on our hats were seen as okay as long as they were not inappropriate, fair enough.

But now head office says we need to remove all of that because they want us to look more “professional”.

I already feel I have to strip so much of my identity for work and now I can't even have the slightest feeling of individuality.

If we're doing our jobs why should it matter if we have a few things to express ourselves

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