
My work is going to give me depression again

And I thought that I was done with depression for good last year. Long story short, I am in my 2nd year working for this company. I started thinking about leaving end of last year because people in our team kept quitting and management did nothing about it. I persisted, and finally what's left of the team got merged with a new team. Some work got reshuffled to lighten our load. Despite this, I still feel sick of work. Maybe I'm severely burnt out. One hour into the workday and I'd feel like I have worked 10 hours non-stop. I tried getting enough sleep but everything's still too much for me. I sit in front of the computer and all I want to do is cry. I'm absolutely not interested in anything I do (both because I'm really not interested + mental fatigue) I want to follow my ex-colleagues footsteps…

And I thought that I was done with depression for good last year.

Long story short, I am in my 2nd year working for this company. I started thinking about leaving end of last year because people in our team kept quitting and management did nothing about it. I persisted, and finally what's left of the team got merged with a new team.

Some work got reshuffled to lighten our load. Despite this, I still feel sick of work. Maybe I'm severely burnt out. One hour into the workday and I'd feel like I have worked 10 hours non-stop. I tried getting enough sleep but everything's still too much for me. I sit in front of the computer and all I want to do is cry. I'm absolutely not interested in anything I do (both because I'm really not interested + mental fatigue)

I want to follow my ex-colleagues footsteps and tender my resignation right away. I have enough savings but I also job-hopped a lot previously which is really the only reason holding me back from quitting. A spotty resume. Plus there's a stigma (employers, community around me) against those who quit multiple jobs.

Idk what to do at this point. I take long naps after work and feel like dying every day. Lol.

Edit: idk why humans do this to ourselves. Enslave ourselves to underpaid full time work. I hate when I waste my mornings on work. The best time of the day, wasted. I don't cook for myself anymore and rely on food deliveries simply because I don't have the energy to.

Life sucks.

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