
My work is threatening my job for taking time off for surgery

So i have top surgery in 4 days, i submitted my leave of absence “request” a whole month ago and the beginning of this week they decided that I needed to provide *proof of disability and accomidations* letter signed by my doctor which is bs since they automatically let my supervisor take a month off for a church mission without any proof. not only did they get pissy with me and call from their PERSONAL cellphones rather than from the recorded officeline but they shortened the time to submit the form from the 16th to the 14th (a day after my surgery), they also have scheduled me for the weeks I'm going to be taking off for recovery and the actual surgery day. I don't think I have to explain to this sub-reddit why getting a doctors note in 5 days would be a problem. they said that If i…

So i have top surgery in 4 days, i submitted my leave of absence “request” a whole month ago and the beginning of this week they decided that I needed to provide *proof of disability and accomidations* letter signed by my doctor which is bs since they automatically let my supervisor take a month off for a church mission without any proof.

not only did they get pissy with me and call from their PERSONAL cellphones rather than from the recorded officeline but they shortened the time to submit the form from the 16th to the 14th (a day after my surgery), they also have scheduled me for the weeks I'm going to be taking off for recovery and the actual surgery day. I don't think I have to explain to this sub-reddit why getting a doctors note in 5 days would be a problem. they said that If i cant provide the paper claiming that being trans is a disability from my doctor, i will lose my job.

I'm under the poverty line so i cant get an employment lawyer and even missing the 3 weeks of pay I'm going to in recovery is going to take all of my savings that I was using to save up for a car. its especially fucked since i got a 50 cent raise (only because the law raised minimum by 50 cents) and I work the same hours yet I'm somehow making less than I was and the coworkers doing the same hours as me, i fucking hate this job.

fuck capitalism.

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