
My Work Messed Up My Pay (vent)

I was on vacation all last week, supposed to have 40 hours paid out today. I got paid for 15.48 hours. So, when i went into work today i talked to HR and my store director. They said they'd called payroll already, and the rest of my money would be on next week's check. I said “i understand mistakes happen, i want my missing days paid out as overtime.” They told me absolutely not, and if it was that big of problem they would pay me in cash today and i could pay them back when i get the money next week. I can't use cash for any bills. All my banking is done online, and i also cant picture deposit paper checks over $300. The only thing i can pay for in cash is gas and groceries, everything else has to be a check or card so the cash…

I was on vacation all last week, supposed to have 40 hours paid out today.

I got paid for 15.48 hours.

So, when i went into work today i talked to HR and my store director. They said they'd called payroll already, and the rest of my money would be on next week's check.

I said “i understand mistakes happen, i want my missing days paid out as overtime.” They told me absolutely not, and if it was that big of problem they would pay me in cash today and i could pay them back when i get the money next week.

I can't use cash for any bills. All my banking is done online, and i also cant picture deposit paper checks over $300.

The only thing i can pay for in cash is gas and groceries, everything else has to be a check or card so the cash is worthless and i'm stuck waiting until next week for my payday.

Im furious. If i were a cashier and my drawer was as short as my check was, i wouldn't get the privilege of saying “it was a mistake!” My ass would be marched out the door and into a court room.

I think it's fair for me to ask for those missing days to be paid out as overtime? They couldn't even give me a sincere apology just a “sorry.” I was trying not to cry. I was trying so hard to be calm and not act like a sniveling brat.

i've been freaking out, working myself up and unable to calm down since i looked at my paystub last night.

I understand mistakes happen, truly, but when you play with someone's money like this (and this isnt the first time the company has played craps with my money and my time) it takes a toll.

I called corporate as soon as i clocked out, but it was 9:30 pm so all i could do was leave a voicemail.

I would, at the bare minimum, like a decent apology and maybe one day paid as overtime. I really think it's fair for me to ask for, it's my money that someone has fucked up and even if it was a mistake i deserve recompense for the stress?

Idk, maybe that's ridiculous to ask? Opinions?

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