
My work refuses to pay or credit me for work I did.

I work in automotive sales. A few weeks ago I took a week of vacation since it was nearing the end of the year and I hadn’t used it. I needed a break and a staycation was my plan since I couldn’t afford a trip especially with the holidays. There were a few of my customers who were coming to get their cars that week and they were aware I would be out and I let my manager know what day and time they would be coming in. Fast forward to earlier this week I was going over my commission sheets and noticed one of the deals was missing from when my customers came in while I was off. It should have been what is called a split deal because my coworker finished it while I was out and I had done the other part (helping them find the car,…

I work in automotive sales. A few weeks ago I took a week of vacation since it was nearing the end of the year and I hadn’t used it. I needed a break and a staycation was my plan since I couldn’t afford a trip especially with the holidays. There were a few of my customers who were coming to get their cars that week and they were aware I would be out and I let my manager know what day and time they would be coming in.

Fast forward to earlier this week I was going over my commission sheets and noticed one of the deals was missing from when my customers came in while I was off. It should have been what is called a split deal because my coworker finished it while I was out and I had done the other part (helping them find the car, deposit, credit application, settling their payments, negotiating ect.) before I took my vacation. So the pay and credit for that deal should have been split evenly between myself and the other salesperson who helped. I asked my manager about this thinking there was a mistake.

Turns out they deliberately decided not to pay me on it because I didn’t come in on my vacation to finish the deal and I hadn’t arranged for my coworker to finish it. Now I want to say, I would certainly have made that arrangement with one of my coworkers but management had previously told us to no longer do that as it was causing confusion for the customer if that person was busy and management had to scramble to find someone else to take care of them. So they asked us to let them, a manager, know if we had someone coming in when we weren’t their and they would delegate the task to an available salesperson when the customer came in. Which is exactly what I had done, and there are receipts of me informing my manager of this customer’s appointment date and time as well as what I had already finished for the deal and what remained needing to be done.

Now they are claiming they never made any such rule and I should have made arrangements with one of my coworkers (which they explicitly said not to do) or come in on my vacation. I have verified with multiple coworkers that I did not mishear or mistake what they said and they did make that rule and have now forgotten they did that or just lying to cover their asses. Additionally I was told that I didn’t deserve to get paid for the work I did because I should have come in on my vacation to finish that since I didn’t go out of town and because I didn’t come in I don’t care about my customers.

Is this illegal or just extremely shitty of them? I’m quite upset about it for many reasons on top of the fact they proceeded to tell me I was worthless to the company and a waste of time and resources. Sorry for the long post I just felt it required a lot of context/clarification.

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