
My work said I blindsided them by not agreeing to be a golf caddy even though I never agreed to do it. Now my entire work schedule has changed and no raise until next summer..

So I have been working at a golf course for a year and a half now making $17hr. I currently do work for the golf staff. I only open due to the distance from my work. It’s been like that for nearly 2 years. So anyways they told us they added an option to be a caddy for those interested. Initially I told them I was not interested. The boss told me he highly recommended I sign up for the meeting just to check it out, show up on my day off and get paid for a 3-4 hour training/meeting. I forgot I had made an appointment to get work done on my car so I said I would consider going to another one. They end up cancelling it. Now they radio me to come down and ask if I feel like doing some running today. I’m like umm what?…

So I have been working at a golf course for a year and a half now making $17hr. I currently do work for the golf staff. I only open due to the distance from my work. It’s been like that for nearly 2 years.

So anyways they told us they added an option to be a caddy for those interested. Initially I told them I was not interested. The boss told me he highly recommended I sign up for the meeting just to check it out, show up on my day off and get paid for a 3-4 hour training/meeting.

I forgot I had made an appointment to get work done on my car so I said I would consider going to another one. They end up cancelling it.

Now they radio me to come down and ask if I feel like doing some running today. I’m like umm what? They wanted me to fore caddy. No carrying clubs but full on running for 4 1/2 hours. I told them I wasn’t interested and didn’t think I could physically run for nearly 5 hours.

They said I completely blindsided them and would need to start working closing shifts so the other guys can do it… They also promised a raise $20hr this fall and told me now it won’t happen till next summer.

I honestly feel like shit. SMH

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