
nail in the coffin

At work I do my job and other people's. I like to stay busy. I've been considering leaving my company because of a lot of the same issues as everyone else. Disorganized, managers not understanding how processes work, lack of respect, etc. Today a manager sent me a rude message about following protocol when I was following protocol. I've brought up in several meetings how the protocol is ineffective and causes issues. Every time I've been told follow the fucking protocol. But now I'm being told to have my team circumvent protocol and told I'm wrong to have them follow it. Not in a respectful manner either. I was already considering leaving after my 8 weeks paid maternity leave but now it's finalized. I'll take my maternity leave, put my notice in, and go. And until maternity leave, no more extra work. No helping other supervisors with their issues. No…

At work I do my job and other people's. I like to stay busy. I've been considering leaving my company because of a lot of the same issues as everyone else. Disorganized, managers not understanding how processes work, lack of respect, etc. Today a manager sent me a rude message about following protocol when I was following protocol. I've brought up in several meetings how the protocol is ineffective and causes issues. Every time I've been told follow the fucking protocol. But now I'm being told to have my team circumvent protocol and told I'm wrong to have them follow it. Not in a respectful manner either. I was already considering leaving after my 8 weeks paid maternity leave but now it's finalized. I'll take my maternity leave, put my notice in, and go. And until maternity leave, no more extra work. No helping other supervisors with their issues. No extra projects. I'll do my job and fuck right off.

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