
National walk out day?

We've been saying it for years, bitching on this sub for years, planning it for years but no one wants to be the one in charge or knows how to be.. I will be if no one jumps in to do it but honestly I'm naturally not a good leader, planner , etc.. but it's past time now. we can protest wages with signs, we can not “buy” from companies but we still do because we need food, no one wants to quit because we need to survive and just barely making it is better than being homeless.. but we know if we all walked out of our under $15/hr jobs whatever it may be at the same damn time across the nation this economy would be fucking stopped and there is nothing they can do to get us back in until they agree to make a living wage for…

We've been saying it for years, bitching on this sub for years, planning it for years but no one wants to be the one in charge or knows how to be..

I will be if no one jumps in to do it but honestly I'm naturally not a good leader, planner , etc..
but it's past time now.

we can protest wages with signs, we can not “buy” from companies but we still do because we need food, no one wants to quit because we need to survive and just barely making it is better than being homeless..
but we know if we all walked out of our under $15/hr jobs whatever it may be at the same damn time across the nation this economy would be fucking stopped and there is nothing they can do to get us back in until they agree to make a living wage for us.

1 in 3 Americans make under $15/hour.. a third of the US economy would be done and the billionaires and politicians couldn't do shit besides whine until they agree to pay us what we deserve to come back.
that third is the fucking essentials, grocery stores for food, toilet paper, fast food restaurants, warehouses, etc..

there's power in numbers- they fucked the US citizens so bad we have the numbers now. we have a third of working American citizens
a fucking third of the “best” economy in the world.
not only would this effect US- this would effect the ENTIRE WORLD until they meet our demands of a livable wage. those signs and peaceful protests are a joke to them until you hit them in the pockets.

so I hope this isn't another lost post just talking about it.
let's plan a day make it a few months from now so the word spreads to every workplace, make fb and social media pages and posts spreading that day , let your employees at your workplace know and make sure you are all (95%, there will always be those 2 kiss ass bootlickers who won't leave or walk out) ready to walk out that day.

weve had highschool walk outs successfully in the past at HS in the US, even workplace walkouts, national protests, etc.. why can't we get the word out to every workplace and do it by now?
we have every form of technology to spread the day, just make sure we have enough time.

so what day is it going to be? the hardest part is starting and not letting these comments turn into a clusterfuck.

someone pick a day a few months from now and everyone start up voting it.. that's going to be the day. posts will go off from there to organize this and updates.

from now on let's turn this antiwork page posts from complaining to only planning about national walk out day until the day comes..

y'all with me?

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