
Nearly everyone in my department is quitting all because of one new hire.

This is just a vent and an update. I originally posted to AITA and was found to be NTA. As I went to post an update it was removed. Back story: my company recently hired a new guy who lied about his skills and newly revealed his education. Since the start concerns have been flooding in from all levels. My boss then started hounding me to hand over my personal school materials in order to train him. (The company canceled plans for tuition reimbursement so I am paying out of pocket) I have refused and this has lead the department to fall behind and exposing how much work I was doing for him. My manger again pressured me in a group email so I responded with emailing my tuition bill. I was wrong for doing that but now I won’t be sharing anything regardless if they pay it or not.…

This is just a vent and an update.

I originally posted to AITA and was found to be NTA. As I went to post an update it was removed.

Back story: my company recently hired a new guy who lied about his skills and newly revealed his education. Since the start concerns have been flooding in from all levels. My boss then started hounding me to hand over my personal school materials in order to train him. (The company canceled plans for tuition reimbursement so I am paying out of pocket) I have refused and this has lead the department to fall behind and exposing how much work I was doing for him. My manger again pressured me in a group email so I responded with emailing my tuition bill. I was wrong for doing that but now I won’t be sharing anything regardless if they pay it or not. I cant distribute those materials if I wanted; the college probably has rules as redditors have pointed out in the other post.

Ps they don’t want to fire him bc he came out and they are worried he would sue.

So after the post went up, I went into work on Friday and my boss called the whole team into a meeting. She apparently went into my locked desk and retrieved all my notes I had collected since I started. She gleefully let the team know she has made copies for everyone and she can do this to anyone cause the company paid for us to attend conferences. We were reminded that we are OBLIGATED to train this new coworker regardless of his high earning salary or my average hourly pay.

As you can imagine the whole team got upset. No one said a word to me all day as I caused this mess. After we were dismissed, I threw away all my notes, walked my laptop to IT and had it wiped. I didn’t know but nearly everyone else did the same. When the new guy came in much later, he noticed some pages missing from my notes and demanded I complete the set and give it to him asap.
Since he emailed the whole team rather than coming to me I responded to the whole group and let him know I no longer have any notes and i can’t share what was taken from my desk. I don’t have it. He then wanted me to redo it and scan it over. He was reminded that he is not my direct boss so I wont be doing that. Surprisingly everyone else then chimed in that they were in the same boat and can’t add anything useful. They were backing me up!
He went to my manager hysterically crying and complaining that I had turned the whole team against him. Shockingly, he went home from the stress of it all.

Since then my coworkers and I have talked it through. We are all working to update our resumes and applying elsewhere. We are all leaving once we have something lined up. No man will be left behind.

This is a reminder to act your wage and don’t let anyone bully you…even if the bully is the HR team you work on.

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