
need a doctor note to ask my manager to get another coworker to carry heavy boxes for one day

Hi, i have issues with my lower legs. I were knee braces to help. I been haveing a bit of a harder time with my legs recently then in the past. I do two physical jobs. One as a crossguard and the other as kitchen staff for a school cafeteria. I yanked my leg badly thrusday night and almost called out of work friday. We are understaffed due to the manager not wanting to change requierments for job applicants. She informed me i would have to move some boxes of canned drinks. For some reason due to my age, i am always dedicated to the labour heavy tasks. Even though she has seen me struggling to bend down or not walking right some days. I had to politely informer that today she would need to ask one of my other coworkers to move them as i had almost yanked my…

Hi, i have issues with my lower legs. I were knee braces to help. I been haveing a bit of a harder time with my legs recently then in the past.

I do two physical jobs. One as a crossguard and the other as kitchen staff for a school cafeteria.

I yanked my leg badly thrusday night and almost called out of work friday. We are understaffed due to the manager not wanting to change requierments for job applicants. She informed me i would have to move some boxes of canned drinks. For some reason due to my age, i am always dedicated to the labour heavy tasks. Even though she has seen me struggling to bend down or not walking right some days. I had to politely informer that today she would need to ask one of my other coworkers to move them as i had almost yanked my muscle and couldnt move well. I was then informed that i needed a doctors note before work to get out of such tasks. When i informed her that there are no walk in clinics but er and i dont have a family doctor, she did not belive me. A er trip would see me there most of the day if not more at this point. I am a bit defeated i would need a doctors note for asking her to get one of my other coworkers to do one chore that day out of the many she gets me to do.

I am over in canada, do i really need one?

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