
Need a minute to vent and re tell the story

Just about a year ago I had posted to this sub that I believe my former employer had bullied a coworker into suicide. The post history isn't here because it was from a deleted account. I was already subjected to constant taunting, threats and intimidation by the c level however I was able to put that aside and continue to function fully even with HR trying to supposedly back me up because there were a number of times in calls where they would do this but I always denied anything. Fast forward a coworker came into town for a meeting and was a nice person. I'd prefer not to name and not to say the gender at all. Anyways I posted here to say that I believe they committed suicide because of work place bullying and apparently our of all the posts mine was picked up by a coworker on…

Just about a year ago I had posted to this sub that I believe my former employer had bullied a coworker into suicide. The post history isn't here because it was from a deleted account.

I was already subjected to constant taunting, threats and intimidation by the c level however I was able to put that aside and continue to function fully even with HR trying to supposedly back me up because there were a number of times in calls where they would do this but I always denied anything.

Fast forward a coworker came into town for a meeting and was a nice person. I'd prefer not to name and not to say the gender at all. Anyways I posted here to say that I believe they committed suicide because of work place bullying and apparently our of all the posts mine was picked up by a coworker on r/antiwork and was immediately reported to HR.

My boss who was c level and HR promptly got on a call with me to try and force me to admit to posting it and that it was found here (oh the irony). Anyways it was a Friday at 5 pm and I was already stressed as it was. They proceeded to tell me they had a lawyer who was going to join the call and that I should fess up to what was said as it was considered defamation even though the organization was not mentioned and had no details. They then said that I was nothing more than a common criminal and they would take me to court.

After that call I tried to shake it off. Thinking they would follow through on their threats and I tried to work out. By Sunday I found myself with a knife and alcohol and felt I couldn't get passed it and should kill myself on guilt maybe somehow I was culpable in all of this.

I ended up calling 911 and was taken to an ER and then followed by a mental health visit. During this time my former employer decided to call and harass my wife who immediately said this was their fault and that she couldn't say based on HIPPA compliance why I was hospitalized. HR responded that she should talk with their lawyer based on all this supposed evidence they had and my wife said no.

Anyways I'm in a much better position I guess I don't know why I'm posting but I did file for unemployment and they took everything I said turned it back to the employer who never responded or rebutted anything. I always thought that I can swallow my pride (after all I was in the military) and just grunt my way through.

Thankfully there was a guardian angel looking out for me who was a Seabee and told me the process of free mental health at the VA. I was actually told when I was discharged from duty that I was never eligible for anything but I got free healthcare, disability based on my service related treatment records.

I guess at the end of the day whomever you are that reported me I'm not mad. You helped take me out of hell and got me where I am. I hope the rat out, rat up culture is what you enjoy or maybe you too can see it for what it really is.

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